
Did JESUS CHRIST the supposed Son of GOD really exist..?

Did  ‘JESUS CHRIST’ … the supposed son of GOD ... really exist..? The answer is NO..! The story of this fictional character is allegory, a mixture of myth & symbology and has its roots based in ‘Astrotheology’… It’s a clever conflagration, a mixing of two stories into one. One true & one false… It’s time the WHOLE WORLD woke up & come out of the 'Matrix' of Religion (Religio ~ Latin = bondage) & realise we've ALL been conned, DECEIVED & LIED too, for over 2,000 + years..! There NEVER WAS & NEVER HAS BEEN a SON of GOD... or a need for a DYING SAVIOUR..! A need for a DYING SAVIOUR is a pagan concept... 'Astrotheology'... adopted into Christianity. It came from a number of directions. Mainly from the Stoic idea of the Logos, which was adapted by the Middle Platonists, primarily Philo of Alexandria, who equated it with the "only begotten". Philo attempted to merge Platonism with Judaism. And the Christian Fathers followed him in doing t

GOD’S True name

‘I AM that I AM’…  The expression in  Exodus 3:14  is unfortunately, a poor english translation. And should read…  ‘BREATHE’ I ‘BREATHE’ …  ‘AH’Y’AH’ ..! I breathe; therefore I exist..! ‘AHYAH’  is more of an expression, rather than a name… as  ‘AHYAH’  has no peers and therefore does not need a name. ‘Our Beloved Almighty Eternal Prime ‘CREATOR’ of ALL Creation… Our lovingly heavenly parent, teacher & friend…  breathed  into  ADAM’AH = (m ankind   plural ) … the ‘ breath of life’  and m ankind  became a ‘l iving breathing soul ’ … for the   ‘life & soul’ is in the ‘ blood’..!  There was more than just one Womb/man  created in the beginning… The belief that there was just one  Adam &  one  Eve  in the beginning of creation is childish and another example of a poor translation, opening up another  whole can of worms, where we immediately hit all sorts of problems of incest, of which  ‘AHYAH’ …  expressly forbids in scripture… Q/ If there was just ONE man & O