Did JESUS CHRIST the supposed Son of GOD really exist..?

Did ‘JESUS CHRIST’… the supposed son of GOD... really exist..?

The answer is NO..! The story of this fictional character is allegory, a mixture of myth & symbology and has its roots based in ‘Astrotheology’…

It’s a clever conflagration, a mixing of two stories into one. One true & one false…

It’s time the WHOLE WORLD woke up & come out of the 'Matrix' of Religion (Religio ~ Latin = bondage) & realise we've ALL been conned, DECEIVED & LIED too, for over 2,000 + years..!

There NEVER WAS & NEVER HAS BEEN a SON of GOD... or a need for a DYING SAVIOUR..!

A need for a DYING SAVIOUR is a pagan concept... 'Astrotheology'... adopted into Christianity. It came from a number of directions. Mainly from the Stoic idea of the Logos, which was adapted by the Middle Platonists, primarily Philo of Alexandria, who equated it with the "only begotten". Philo attempted to merge Platonism with Judaism. And the Christian Fathers followed him in doing the same with Christianity…

Ultimately, the idea of the Logos belongs to the mysteries, where it was equated with the dying-god. So esoterically, the Logos of the Platonists was equated with Mithras…

Look at the connection of Paul in creating this ‘Gnostic mythology’… which was later mistaken for "Christianity."

Christianity was hijacked by Paul, who was an agent of the ‘House of Herod’; who were worshippers of ‘Mithraism’ an adaptation of ‘Merkabah Mysticism’...

These were first found among the ‘Essenes’. Their descendants eventually succeeded in supplanting true Christianity, by disguising the worship of ‘Sol Invictus’ with Christian themes and making it the official religion of the Roman Empire.

Research the ‘NICENE CREED’... (the counsel of Bishops) who gathered together under the direction of the Pagan Roman Emperor 'Constantine'… to write the origin of a dying saviour, claiming that…

The ‘CREATOR’… who formed the earth [made man] from the earth and then decided to have spiritual sex with a gentile woman, in order to have a greek son name (Jesus [white] Christ) or (Yahusha [black] Christ)... which ever you prefer. 'Christ' simply means 'Anointed One’

You can read the 'Old Testament from ‘Genesis to Malichi’ and NOT ONCE does Our Beloved Almighty Eternal Prime ‘CREATOR of ALL CREATION’… EVER mention or is prophesied by ANY of the prophets of the Torah scrolls. About the ‘CREATOR’ coming as a dying saviour!

NOT ONCE did the ‘CREATOR’ ever identified Him / Herself or EVER SPOKE in… ‘THE NEW TESTAMENT’ Scriptures, nor did he/she acknowledge the Apostles, nor did he/she acknowledged the so called Jews/Hebrews... NOT ONCE... (because the Hebrews never existed, they were the ‘Hyksos/Shepherd Kings’)..!

Our Beloved Almighty Eternal Loving Prime,  'CREATOR' of ALL Creation... Our Beloved Everlasting Heavenly Parent, Teacher & Friend… wants us to know that..!

There is ONLY One ‘CREATOR’, One Saviour, One Redeemer, One Shepherd, One Beloved Everlasting Heavenly Parent, One Teacher, One Friend, One Beloved, Almighty Eternal Loving Prime ‘CREATOR’ of ALL Creation..!

The ‘CREATOR’… ALONE is OUR the Saviour & Redeemer'..!

Isaiah  42:8 - "I am... ‘AH'Y'AH’: ('Breathe' I 'Breathe') that is my name & my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images". ‘AH'Y'AH’ alone receives worship (1st & 2nd commandments)…

Our Beloved, Almighty, Eternal Prime 'CREATOR' of ALL CREATION says that… ‘AH’Y’AH’ is our Saviour & Redeemer ALONE..!

The ‘CREATOR’ says... "I, will not yield my Glory or Praise to another"…

Isaiah 45:22 Our Beloved, Almighty, Eternal, Loving Prime 'CREATOR' of ALL Creation says… "turn to ME & be saved". NEVER did the ‘CREATOR’ say… ‘turn to the so called Son & be saved'… NO the ‘CREATOR’ SAID… “TURN TO ME”..!

Because the ‘CREATOR’ alone saves, there is no need of a dying saviour…


‘AH'Y'AH’ says… "Do you think that I would create someone separate from myself, to be sacrificed for the sins of the world"?

The ‘CREATOR’ say's…


Ezekiel 18:19 ~ 20 And ye say… "Why beareth not the son the wickedness of the father..?

That is to say; for the son wrought doom & rightfulness he kept all my commandments & did those he shall live in life”…!

“That soul that doeth sin, shall die; the son shall not bear the wickedness of the father and the father shall not bear the wickedness of the son; the rightfulness of a just man shall be on him and the wickedness of a wicked man shall be on him".

Ezekiel 18 & Ezekiel 33

Deuteronomy 24:16 The fathers shall not be slain for the sons, neither the sons for the fathers, but each man shall die for his own sin.

II Kings 14:5 But he killed not the sons of them that had slain the king, that had slain his father, by that, that is written in the ‘Book of the Law’ of ‘Moshah’, as 'AHYAH' commanded to ‘Moshah’, and said… The Fathers shall not die for the sons, neither the sons for the fathers, but each man shall die in his own sin”…

Exodus 32:33 To whom 'AHYAH' answered, And 'AHYAH' said unto ‘Moshah’… “Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book”; 

Exodus 34:7 “Who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin"

Ezekiel 37:12-13 Our Beloved Almighty Eternal Loving Prime ‘CREATOR’ of ALL Creation says... "In the last days my spirit will raise up & heal those who called upon me and me ALONE"…

Genesis 1:1 the “One Creator” was ‘AH'Y'AH’... " In the beginning ‘AH'Y'AH’ created the heavens and the earth…

Genesis 17:1 the 'Almighty' was ‘AH'Y'AH’…

Exodus 3:14 And ‘AHYAH’ said to ‘Moshah’... “Breathe I Breathe"... and said... "Thus you shall say to the sons of ‘YAH'QOB... 'AH’Y’AH’ has sent me to you."

Exodus 20:3-5 "You shall have no other Y'AH before Me, for I, 'AHYAH' am a jealous YAH…

Deut. 32:39 "See now that I… ‘AHYAH’ am ‘AHYAH’, and there is no YAH besides Me"…

Jeremiah 31:32 the “One Husband” was ‘AHYAH’…

Isaiah 40:11 the “One Shepherd” was ‘AHYAH’…

Isaiah 40:28 "Do you not know... have you not heard..? The Everlasting Father, 'AHYAH’, the ‘CREATOR’ of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. My understanding is inscrutable"…

Isaiah 41:4 "Who has performed & accomplished it, calling forth the generations from the beginning..? ‘I... ‘AHYAH’ am the first & the last... I am ‘AHYAH’…

Isaiah 43:10 "You are My witnesses,"  declares ‘AHYAH’ & My servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know & believe Me & understand that I am ‘AHYAH’. Before Me there was no YAH formed & there will be none after Me."

Isaiah 43:15 the “Holy One” was ‘AHYAH’…

Isaiah 44:6 "Thus says the ‘AHYAH’, the King of YAH’QOB, and his Redeemer, the 'AHYAH’ of hosts: ‘I am the first & I am the last, and there is no YAH besides Me”…

Isaiah 45:5 "I am ‘AHYAH’ and there is no other; besides Me there is no YAH…"

Isaiah 45:21 the “One Redeemer” was ‘AHYAH’

Isaiah 45:22-24 "Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am ‘AH'Y'AH', and there is no other. I have sworn by Myself… that to Me every knee will bow, every tongue will swear allegiance"…

Isaiah 48:12 "Listen to Me, O YAH’QOB, whom I called; I am HE, I am the first, I am also the last."

Psalm 18:31 the “The Rock” was ‘AHYAH’…

Psalm 95:5-6 The sea is ‘AHYAH’s, for it was ‘AHYAH’ who made it and ‘AHYAH’s hands formed the dry land. Come, let us worship & bow down, let us kneel before 'AHYAH’ our CREATOR…

Psalm 102:25 of old ‘AHYAH’ founded the earth & the heavens are the work of ‘AHYAH’ hands…

Job 33:4 The Spirit of 'AHYAH’ has made me & the breath of the Almighty gives me life…

Isaiah 10:21 A remnant will return, the remnant of YAHQOB, to the mighty ‘AHYAH'...

Neh. 9:17 You are ‘AHYAH' of forgiveness, gracious & compassionate, slow to anger & abounding in lovingkindness…

Dan. 9:9 To 'AH'Y'AH’ belongs compassion & forgiveness…

Jonah 4:2 He prayed to 'AHYAH’ & said… "Please 'AHYAH’… You are a gracious & compassionate, slow to anger & abundant in lovingkindness & one who relents concerning calamity”…

All of these shatter the whole doctrine of a dying saviour...!

'AHYAH’ is faithful to the WORD that the ‘CREATOR’ will not share their name, or power or Glory with another… for the ‘CREATOR’ said... 

"I alone am ‘AHYAH’ & there is none other before me, neither will there be any other after me, I ALONE am ‘AH'Y'AH’... and there is none other besides me"..!

The ‘CREATOR’ of ALL things is ‘AHYAH’… ALONE..!

YAHUSHUA’ aka Jesus (anglicised name) circa 160-88 BC was an Essene and lived within the Essene's Monastery / Community by the Dead Sea at the time of the McCabbean Revolt. He was known to the Essene community as The ‘Teacher of Righteousness’… (who does that sound like to you)..?

He preached from the TORAH the closest to the ‘WORD’ of ‘AHYAH’… Our Beloved Almighty Eternal Loving Prime ‘CREATOR’ of ALL Creation... Our Beloved Everlasting Heavenly Parent, Our Teacher & Friend... 

‘Yahushua’ was their leader and Rabbi. He was a radical & rebel, who systematically took on the Sanhedrin, the Jewish Pharisaical High Priesthood for preaching a form of… Babylonian Talmudic (Satanic/Saturn/Astrotheolgy) Judaism to the people, and he was nailed to a tree for his troubles..! (who does that sound like to you)..?

The Essene's knew ‘Yahushua’ was just an ordinary man..! And NOT the ONLY begotten son of the ‘CREATOR’..!

In John Allegro's outstanding research & book… 'The Dead Sea Scrolls & the Christian Myth’... (which makes for fascinating, compelling & outstanding reading). He explains much of how the masses of the world, have been manipulated & deceived into a false belief system, that is based on deception..! 

Allegro also states that ‘Ancient Myths’ were misrepresented as historical fact by the 'Mystery Babylon' paid bitch WHORE. The (pagan) ‘ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH'…

The information contained in the 'DEAD SEA SCROLLS'… is so damaging to official 'CHURCH' dogma, that ALL the remaining Scrolls have been... INTENTIONALLY SUPPRESSED..! Hmmm 🤔 I wonder why..?

In the case of the 'Dead Sea Scrolls'… it is well known that these documents are of the utmost importance for the light they can throw upon the origins and nature of early Christianity.

The ‘Essenes’ as a community, had long been suggested as the possible 'missing link' between normative Judaism and the early Church and on closer examination of their first hand records, indicated right from the very first, that this would be their main interest, and also their most controversial.

The late Edmond Wilson, in his series of articles for the New Yorker magazine in 1955, suggested that the church might be reluctant to accept conclusions from the new studies that detracted from the originality and thus uniqueness of the faith and that this would affect the Christian attitude towards the discoveries and their editing.

Allegro recalls the heated reaction his ecclesiastical colleagues in the Scrollary, when these articles appeared. It seemed to them an insult to their scholarly integrity, that they would wish to with hold information from the documents, on which they were working on or that they could be anything but enthusiastic for new information or ideas about the origins of their religion. 

Besides they were as one, in rejecting the very idea that anything in the scrolls could possibly conflict with the revealed truth as dispensed by the church.

That was, indeed, the official line taken by the Vatican, in order to quite the fears of the faithful about the new finds from the Dead Sea. Wilson's suggestions; that the church was none to happy to see fresh, uncontrolled evidence appearing on the admittedly shadowy back ground of Christianity, proved in the event a remarkable stimulus to general interest in the scrolls.

Many speculations were advanced to account for the significant parallels that were being adduced between the documents and the New Testament: that ‘YAHUSHA aka ‘JESUS’ had been an Essene; that John the Baptist had been a member of the Dead Sea Community and passed on Essene ideas to the Nazarene master and his friends; that the story of ‘YAHUSHA’ aka ‘JESUS’ owed much to the history of the 'Essenes' own leader… known as the 'The Teacher of Righteousness’ and so on…

The church's reaction to ALL such suggestions was in general predictable: The parallels adduced, even when substantiated by their own scholars, were “interesting, but of limited consequence”… for the differences were far greater…

As far as the 'Teacher of Righteousness' was concerned, he was not regarded with awe, accorded the mythical JESUS by the church, and was not claimed to be the ‘Messiah’ by his followers… let alone the only beloved begotten Son of 'AHYAH' (God the ‘CREATOR of ALL CREATION’) & had not risen from the dead…

Nothing in the gospels could be said to reflect the person, character or fate of the ‘Essenes’... 'Teacher of Righteousness'... even though he was radical & a rebel... 

In Alexander Hislop's book 'Two Babylon's - ‘Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod’ (Babylon), Gilgamesh (Assyrian), Osiris (Egyptian)… ‘Astrotheolgy’..! Hislop, also lay's bare, previous pagan deities in a similar mould.

When you dig deep enough, you begin to find the cracks in the story and find two characters emerging. One factual, the story of the ‘YAHUSHA’ the ‘ESSENE'S ‘Teacher of Righteousness' - circa 160-88 BC who lived within the 'Essenes' Monastery / community by the Dead Sea at the time of the McCabbean Revolt and one (Jesus Christ) fictional invented by the ‘Roman Catholic Church’..!

The two stories of which have been conflated & merged into one by Emperor Constantine of the Roman Mystery Babylon Religion (pagan) the worship of Mithras (Sol Invictus) worship of the Sun aka Nimrod, Gilgamesh, Osiris into the story of 'JESUS (white) CHRIST' (Greek) of Nazareth… died 33AD (note the 33 Masonic Number) HELLO..?

Giving the world yet another ‘Saviour of Mankind’ the supposed ‘JESUS' son of (God) 'AHYAH'.

There was however no letter 'J' in the english language until the 16th century & is germanic in origin and has never existed in either the Hebrew or the Greek language. The letter 'J' replaced the 'I' and the 'I' replaced the 'Y'… . (Go Figure)..!

‘WHO is GOD..? And What is GODS NAME..?


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