GOD’S True name

‘I AM that I AM’… The expression in Exodus 3:14 is unfortunately, a poor english translation. And should read… ‘BREATHE’ I ‘BREATHE’… ‘AH’Y’AH’..! I breathe; therefore I exist..!

‘AHYAH’ is more of an expression, rather than a name… as ‘AHYAH’ has no peers and therefore does not need a name.
‘Our Beloved Almighty Eternal Prime ‘CREATOR’ of ALL Creation… Our lovingly heavenly parent, teacher & friend… breathed into ADAM’AH = (mankind plural)… the breath of life’ and mankind became a ‘living breathing soulfor the ‘life & soul’ is in the blood’..! There was more than just one Womb/man created in the beginning…
The belief that there was just one Adam one Eve in the beginning of creation is childish and another example of a poor translation, opening up another  whole can of worms, where we immediately hit all sorts of problems of incest, of which ‘AHYAH’… expressly forbids in scripture…
Q/ If there was just ONE man & ONE Woman created in the beginning, then where did Cain’s wife come from..?
The Paleo (African the ORIGINAL) NOT German ‘Yiddish’, pretending to be Hebrew. IS the ORIGINAL LANGUAGE of the Hebrews that mixed with the other Black African tribes that went into Egypt, during the 4th Dynasty circa 2500 BC.
The Paleo (African the ORIGINALHebrew is more related to the Egyptian alphabet, because the Hebrews were Egyptians and it was influenced by itThe Paleo (African) Hebrew was around 500 years before the Aramaic (Babylonian / Talmudic) Hebrew and is Afro-Asiatic in origin, which means it is a HYBRID and looks nothing like the Paleo (African ORIGINALHebrew.
In the present day modern Germanic Aramaic (Babylonian / Talmudic / Yiddish) Hebrew’… is what is spoken today in ISRAEL.
IS-RA-EL… is yet another play on words from the oldest religion in the world… ‘Astrotheolgy’… and the three pagan deities of IS = ISIS (Venus) ☄️ RA = (Sun) ☀️ EL = (Saturn or Bel / Belial / Baal)… and is used in the Kabbalah.
The Kabbalah was first created and inspired by the father of the Kabbalah - ‘Simeon Bar Yochai’ the first (fake Hebrew/Jew Esau), circa 1st century BC and developed over 700 years after, the Original Paleo (African) Hebrew culture was taken over by the 72 (fake Hebrew, Ashkenazi / Sephardic – Venetian – Khazarian – Celtic – Scythian – Babylonian / Talmudic – Edomite – Amalekite – Hyksos – Phoenician – Canaanite – Serpent Seed – Synagogue of Satan worshipping Zionazis – Esau) Jews. 
The Kabbalah did not become main stream until circa 1200 AD and now you have the Hermetic Kabbalah which was created circa 15th century AD.
When you research this line, you will see that they are referencing the Aramaic (Babylonian / TalmudicHebrew. When the Edomites converted into Judaism circa 200 BC they took over everything Hebrew of the Egyptian/ Hebrew line. They are the ones, that inspired the ‘Shemhamphorasch’ which is based on the Tetragrammaton of YHWH the supposed 216 names of THEIR little ‘g’ god and this is the root of confusion.
So when you try to find the name of Our CREATOR you are looking at a lot of deception and confusion. The Usurper (fake Hebrew Esau) Jews can be traced back from Ashkenazi / Sephardic – Venetian – Khazarian – Celtic – Scythian – Babylonian / Talmudic – Edomite – Amalekite – Hyksos – Phoenician – Canaanite – Sumerians – Ugarit’s – Serpent Seed – Synagogue of Satan worshipping Zionazis … and finally to the usurper (Esau) Jews of the Greek Era of the Ptolemaic  Dynasty….
The names we now see for example; YHWH & Jehovah, Yahovah, Yahuwah, Yahweh, Hayah, Ehyeh, Elohim, all come from the (fake Hebrew Esau) JEWS, that conflated the original Hebrew story.
The names do use the core of the original Paleo African / Egyptian language because the (fake Hebrew Esau) JEW is using the Cuneiform script, which inspired the Egyptian hieroglyph, and the Proto-Canaanite / Phoenician alphabet. Therefore, they are taking the information from the root and conflating it, so they can usurp it and control you. If you do not know this, you will error in your conclusion.
‘Jehovah’ or ‘Yahovah’... the suffix “Hovah” is #1943 in Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary, and has the meaning of calamity, ruin, mischief, perversion, and wickedness.
It is another form of #1942 ‘Havvah’ {EVE’s name}, which can be translated as calamity, iniquity, mischief, mischievous thing, naughtiness, naughty, noisome, perverse thing, substance, very wicked.
Put the two together (Yah + Hovah) and you get “God of ruin, mischief, calamity, perversion, and wickedness.” Simply put, Jehovah or Yahovah etc… is the false little ‘g’ – god entity of Evil..!
‘HOVAH’ is the LONG and well established Phoenician god, the main deity of most Canaanite tribes. Even most of the Arabs knew ‘Hovah’ as their main deity prior to Muhammad’s experience. The Yah’ only later Hebrew-ized it. So when you transliterate the name Jehovah’ a letter at a time to ‘Yahuwah’ it looks like this…
In Hebrew Babylonian Talmudic Germ-atria (the study of applying numbers to letters) the letter ‘V‘ = 6… The letters ‘O‘ – ‘V‘ – ‘U‘ and the ‘W‘ (double ‘V V‘ or double ‘U U‘)  are ALL interchangeable… so when you add the letters ‘U‘ & ‘W‘ in the name of ‘YAHUWAH’… you get 666’ the ‘Number of the Beast’..!
The name of the CREATOR of ALL CREATION’ can be explained in the Original Ancient Palo (African) Hebrew where you will find two simple characters / symbols the ‘HEY’ & the ‘YUD’. No complicated Babel or occult (hidden) messages, just two ancient Hebrews symbols the HEY’ = ‘AH’ & ‘YUD’ = ‘Y’
When translated into the full written form we get:AH'Y'AH’.
The name ‘AH’Y’AH’ is more of an expression… which forms the appellation AHYAH..!
The symbol HEY’ = (man with arms raised) AH… means, LookRevealBREATH.
The symbolYUD’ (Arm and closed hand) Y… means, WorkThrowWORSHIP.
This is telling us a story a clear message that explains our ‘CREATOR’S name. Look, Reveal, BREATH… means ‘LIFE’ to Exist..!
WORK, THROW, WORSHIP… means action WORKING to comprehend & understand.
THROW is emphasising that action of working towards knowing our ‘CREATOR’..!
WORSHIP should be self-explanatory.

How do you Worship ‘AHYAH’..? How can you Worship ‘AHYAH’ if You DO NOT exist..?
‘AH’Y’AH’  /  ‘AHYAH’ is the Breath of Life’ the ‘spirit / nephesh’ that gives you the ability to live… and once you know this fact, you cannot help but want to worship ‘AHYAH’..!
‘AHYAH’ expressed to Moshe‘ when Moshe‘ said unto ‘AHYAH’…
“Behold, when I come unto the children of Y’AH’qob, and shall say unto them, The Y’AH (I breathe) of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, what is his name… what shall I say unto them..? And ‘AHYAH’ said unto Moshe… ‘AH’Y’AH’… ‘Breathe I Breathe’: and he said, “Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Y’AH’qob…
 I Y’AH… (I breathe) hath sent me unto you”. And ‘AH’Y’AH’ said moreover unto Moshe’… “Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Y’AH’qob, The Y’AH of your fathers, the Y’AH of Abraim, the Y’AH of Yasaac, and the Y’AH of Y’AH’qob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations”.
Credit goes to Dawid Yacob Maccabeus – HebrewsWakeUp.com for his inspired work…

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